Writing, in English and Yiddish; translations into Yiddish; reading; polar exploration literature; travel, particularly in the North
Three kids, four grandkids, one cat
Retired after several centuries of computer programming
A work in progress, such as it is
Writing, in English and Yiddish; translations into Yiddish; reading; polar exploration literature; travel, particularly in the North
Three kids, four grandkids, one cat
Retired after several centuries of computer programming
זעגלען אײנער אַלײן אַרום דער װעלט
 Somewhere in a wood
The kids: Jacob, Jessica, Seth
Cam and Emma at some large canyon
דער אומפֿאַרגלײַכלעכער דזשיװז
די אַװאַנטורעס פֿון שערלאָק האָלמז